Fitness & Equipment Guides > 5 Walking Types That Burn Calories

5 Walking Types That Burn Calories

17th Dec 21

When it comes to walking, you might think there isn’t much to it, right? Wrong. Believe it or not, there are loads of different types of walking, and some of them can be major calorie burners if done right. We’ve put together some types of walking that will really change up your workouts and maybe even give you something new to try.

Want to move fast? Jump to the right section below.

  1. Brisk
  2. Chi
  3. Nordic
  4. Marathon
  5. Stroller


two people brisk walking over a bridge outdoors

When it comes to walking, your speed depends on several things. Fitness level, the size of your steps and personal preference can all affect how fast or slow you walk. Brisk walking is considered a walk that is slightly faster than the average walking pace. If you are counting, then a brisk walk should come in at around 100 steps a minute, making it a great way to workout as it increases your heart rate and burns tonnes of calories.


woman walking mindfully

Now, this type of walking is a bit different and relatively unknown. Chi could be described as the yoga of walking and is designed to help you improve posture, strengthen your core muscles whilst relaxing any tight muscles and even improve your cardio fitness levels. To do this, you must focus on using mindfulness whilst walking to focus your mind on the proper body alignment.


elderly couple nordic walking outdoors

Nordic walking is quite popular and gains many of its movements from those made when skiing. It combines the use of nordic walking poles and brisk walking to provide you with a solid, full-body workout. The poles help propel forward movement and engage the upper body and the core muscles. You’ve likely seen nordic poles whilst out hiking, and this is because they help people improve their balance and gain a faster pace on uneven surfaces and trails.


people taking part in a marathon

This type of walking is designed for long-distance endurance and calorie burning based around a marathon distance. It’s pretty common to see people walking a marathon, so when it comes to training, they need to make sure they can walk the distance in a good time. Marathon walking is done by building on your endurance and speed levels by slowly increasing your mileage and time. If you are starting new or have had a break from training, it’s worth giving up to 9 months to train for race day. A good training method is by adding one day a week for a big walk, combined with your usual walking workout.


woman walking through the park with a pram/stroller

This one is for those with kids out there. There is nothing better than getting outside with your kids, even from a very young age. That’s where stroller walking comes in. Pushing a pram or stroller tends to change your gait, so you must be careful to keep your posture and form correctly to prevent injury, but stroller walking is a great calorie burner. Try walking or jogging with a pram, and you’ll be working up a sweat in no time, and alternate swinging your arms off of the pram to avoid stiffness and release any excess energy. It’s the perfect outdoor exercise for anyone with babies or little kids.

So there you have it, five new and different types of walking for you to try. All of them are great for burning calories and building fitness and endurance. Not all exercise has to be running and lifting weights. Plus, if you don’t want to exercise outdoors, these are perfect workouts for you to do at home on a treadmill.

Before beginning any exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician, doctor or other professional. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems. assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained using our advice.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pain, or any other abnormal symptoms, stop the workout at once and consult a physician or doctor immediately.
