Fitness & Equipment Guides > 10 Ways to Exercise When You Have No Time

10 Ways to Exercise When You Have No Time

5th Apr 19

Time is one of the most limiting factors that’s affecting people’s exercise habits. It’s so hard to find the time in a day to dedicate to a good, solid workout plan, especially over a long duration such as working out five times a week for 45 minutes. That’s a lot of time taken out of your week, and especially if you don’t have the motivation, you will have issues committing to a long-term fitness journey.

There’s no need to despair, though – there are quite a few things you can do to get that extra little exercise bite in your day. Even on days when you physically do not have the time for a workout, you can still help yourself lead a healthy lifestyle and build up some positive life habits.

Here are some things you can try!

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  1. Use Commuting
  2. Get Off The Bus Early
  3. Park Further Away
  4. Take The Stairs
  5. Toilet Squats
  6. HIIPA
  7. Tabata
  8. HIIT
  9. Supersets
  10. Home Gym

1. Use Commuting

One of the most practical ways you can employ to get more exercise into your every day is commuting. This way, you won’t have to sacrifice too much time. Instead of taking the train or driving, why not give cycling a go? Even walking instead of driving will significantly impact your overall fitness levels, and it’s a great form of LISS that will help you burn fat!

2. Get Off The Bus Early

Sticking with the theme of using your commute to get your daily exercise in, even if walking or cycling is out of the question, there are other options you can try. If you get the bus or train to work, why not try getting off a stop early.

It sounds counter-intuitive or may even feel like it will take up too much of your time, but if you’re substituting a workout for it, you’re saving back that time in the long run.

3. Park Further Away

You aren’t stuck with public transport here either. If you find yourself spending a little too much time behind the wheel of your car, why not try parking a bit further away than you usually would and walk some of the distance.

This park and stride system is popular with schools all over the country, but you can use it for yourself as a great way to burn some extra calories and improve your cardiovascular health in the long term. Plus, you get to do your bit for the environment!

4. Take The Stairs

woman and man taking the stairs to help with exercise

The next step is how you move. If you find yourself taking the lift or the escalator at literally any point in your day, start taking the stairs. It really is effective. There’s a reason that step aerobics is so popular, after all. It’s an awesome way to burn calories in a short time, and if you have a lot of stairs to tackle, you’ll see the benefit in no time at all.

5. Toilet Squats

You can do things outside of cardio exercise too, and one of them is using your bodyweight. One awesome way to go about this is to set some obstacles for yourself throughout your day. For example, you can do five pushups every time you stand up or 10 squats every time you use the toilet. Quirky, but effective.


Elderly couple jogging as daily exercise

One new concept that is up and coming at the minute is HIIPA. Not too different from the other things we’ve suggested so far, but it does come with a twist. As you go about your day, you find six 5-10-minute slots to push yourself to the limit. Instead of a stroll to the shop, power walk. Instead of walking, jog knee-high. Even vacuuming your house can be turned into a workout!

7. Tabata

Moving through to the more intensive but still short training styles, the are several that put all your energy in the right place in much less time than a standardised workout.

Tabata is one of the classic examples. Using Tabata style training, you work at maximum capacity for 20 seconds with a 10-second break and repeat this eight times for one exercise. This means that you’re getting a huge workout in a short time that will have you pushing yourself!


People exercising on exercise bikes

The step-up from Tabata is HIIT training. It’s much more versatile and follows the same principle to an extent, but it’s a little more exerting and will give you serious results in your cardio training.

A 20-minute HIIT workout will often burn more calories than a 40-minute cardio workout, so it’s worth doing even if you’re just spicing things up. It’s still a time saver and one of the most efficient ways to train out there.

9. Supersets

Looking at weight training styles, supersets are another effective way that hit a range of muscle groups without wasting too much time on multiple workouts. If you can find the right combination of exercises that work well for you, you’re going to save a considerable amount of time.

10. Home Gym

Finally, a home gym is an awesome way to make the most of your time and save you from having to make trips to the gym. It can help you work out when you want to, instead of having to wait for available equipment. Using a multigym is an excellent way to speed up your workouts too, but there are many ways you can go about it!


Before beginning any exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician, doctor or other professional. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems. assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained using our advice.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pain, or any other abnormal symptoms, stop the workout at once and consult a physician or doctor immediately.
