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The Ultimate Resistance Band Leg Workout

20th Mar 20

Resistance bands can be some of the most versatile exercise tools you could ever ask for if you know how to use them, and that makes them perfect for a resistance band leg workout. Like they didn’t have enough benefits, there are tonnes of different exercises you could use to make one, but picking the best of them is the best way to use them to their fullest potential. Doing that, however, isn’t always so easy.

To help you really get the most from your resistance bands, whether that’s at home or at the gym, we have just the thing to do it. Our resistance band leg workout has been designed to hit every single muscle in your legs to help slingshot your progress, burn calories, build muscle, and do just about everything in between too. It’s seriously big stuff.

Let’s take a look at what we’re working with.

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The Exercises

The best way to make the most out of any workout, no matter what you’re doing, is to start by dissecting the exercises that go into it. You can’t use the workout to its full potential if you’re doing the exercises wrong after all. Learning the tips, tricks and techniques that go on behind them is incredibly valuable info.


As with any workout, it’s always a good idea to look at the biggest exercises first. These are the more compound exercises that use the most muscles, as these are going to be the hardest work. Exhausting muscles with isolation exercises will mean that these become much harder, often resulting in a worse workout as a result. That’s just a good rule to remember.

Squats always have been and likely always will be one of the best exercises you could ever do, whether that’s in a resistance band workout or any other workout. It is one of the biggest exercises you can do, using just about every different muscle in your legs to do it. The result is a hardcore leg hitter designed to really work your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, above all else, in a functional strength-building movement.

Leg Press

In a similar way to squats, leg presses are another massive leg hitter that needs a lot of attention too. These are slightly more demanding leg exercises when you’re using a resistance band, and there are a few different ways to go about doing them.

The most popular way to do it is by putting the band under your back as you lay on the floor, holding it with your arms, and then wrap your feet in it too. You being inside the band with it anchored is how this will work. You’re extending your legs to contact outwards, almost like a lying down squat.

Glute Kickback

Even though your glutes have had some attention from the other exercises, they still need more work of their own. After all, they are the biggest muscles in your body, so they need to be treated like it. The best way to do that is with kickbacks, or mule kicks, as they’re often referred to.

The beauty of this exercise in our resistance band leg workout is again that it’s up to you how to do it. Resistance bands always open up a whole world of potential variation for you, and this is just another example of it. With a smaller band (or doubled up if need be) wrapped around your legs, simply push one leg backwards (while keeping straight legs).

Standing (or lying) Leg Raises

Finishing off your glutes and moving things into your inner thighs, outer thighs and hips, we also need to make sure that we utilise lying leg raises. These again can be done with you lying on your side if that works, if not stood up too.

Again, the process is to have a short resistance band around your legs and extend them outwards (much like you’ve probably seen in any 80s workout video). It really helps hit an array of different muscles and adding a lateral move into your resistance band workout is never a bad thing to do for your legs.

Calf Raises

Finally, we need to finish off by hitting your calf muscles separately too. Although they had a slight supporting role earlier on, and being a smaller muscle, your calf muscles still need some hefty attention. They’re capable of a lot of strength, after all. On top of that,  they can do a lot for your leg strength and definition too.

To do calf raises with a resistance band, the best thing to do is to get yourself inside your resistance band; you can do it standing if your band is long enough. If it isn’t, try under your feet and over your knees, sitting down. The idea is simply to extend your calf muscles to go onto the balls of your feet and then slowly relax again. This is a 100% pure calf hitter, and it’s a great way to finish off.

The Resistance Band Workout

After you’ve familiarised yourself with all of these awesome resistance band leg exercises, the next step is to build them into a workout. You need to do them in the best format to suit you. We’ve gone for a classic weight training style workout for this workout that you can do in 2 parts.

Part 1

Leg Presses4×8
Leg Raises4×12
Calf Raises4×20

Part 2

To finish off, we’re going to do a drop set of each exercise, but in the style of an AMRAP. To really make sure we’re getting the best workout we possibly can, you’re going to do every exercise again. This time though, for as many reps as you possibly can manage. Start from the top and go down before repeating another time.

It’s a seriously hard leg hitter, but for a workout, you can do it at home with just a resistance band; it’s a pretty amazing thing to do. Good luck!

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Before beginning any exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician, doctor or other professional. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems. assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained using our advice.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pain, or any other abnormal symptoms, stop the workout at once and consult a physician or doctor immediately.
