Fitness & Equipment Guides > Jump Into Fitness with a Fitness Trampoline

Jump Into Fitness with a Fitness Trampoline

30th Oct 19

Exercise comes in so many shapes and sizes that if you look hard enough, you’ll find something that you’ll find fun. It might be cardio, rowing, lifting, running, cycling… or trampolining. That’s right. It’s not something that often comes to mind when we’re thinking about the best ways to get fitter, but a fitness trampoline, or trampolines in general really, are an excellent way to do it!

Now, you may be thinking that it’s a light workout at best, but you’d be surprised at what they can do for you. Fitness trampolines have a lot of benefits to boast about that can actually make them one of the best ways to get in a good workout there are. They’re seriously underrated!

Just in case you need convincing, let’s take a look at some of the biggest benefits out there.

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High Intensity

Group on people on fitness trampolines

Fitness trampolines are an awesome way to get in a HIIT workout. They offer you a great way to get in some vigorous exercise that will really get the blood pumping and help you to make huge progress in your fitness goals.

HIIT workouts are a great example of an impressive calorie burn in a short amount of time, and if you’re short on time and working out from home, a fitness trampoline can be just the thing for a quick burst of awesome calorie burning. Awesome.

Low Impact

Person jumping on one leg

Not only are fitness trampolines an effective way to get a good workout in, but one awesomely unique feature is how low impact they are too. It’s tough to find a low impact HIIT workout, especially one that you can do at home.

Fitness trampolines are an awesome thing to fill the gap, and because of the flex the trampoline provides, it’s the perfect fit. As the trampoline absorbs the shock of your bounce by the very nature of it, that means your joints don’t have to do it instead.


Woman doing aerobics on a fitness trampoline

So, although the two benefits above are trampoline specific, it’s important to remember than fitness trampolines still provide all of the other benefits that aerobic cardio exercise offers you too.

It’s an awesome way to burn calories, improve your stamina, lung function, heart health, and just about everything else you need. (For more of the benefits cardio has to offer, don’t forget to check out our article here too).


Woman using a Marcy fitness trampoline in her living room

This one is a real killer. One of the biggest benefits of a fitness trampoline, by far and away, is how fun it is. No matter how you like to exercise or what your goals are, it’s hard to argue that bouncing around and getting a workout at the same time isn’t a fun way to do it.

Enjoying your workouts is way more important than people think. If you want to keep up your fitness in the long term, exercising in a way that you find fun can make all the difference to your progress, commitment, and motivation. If you want a fun workout, especially that you can do at home, this is a great way to do it.

As far as workouts go, these cheap and cheerful creations are an incredibly effective, efficient and enjoyable form of exercise. Whether you buy one for yourself to use at home or you try out a trampolining class at a gym, we’re sure you’re going to have a lot of fun doing it. It might not be as easy as you think, it might be a breeze; either way, it’s an awesome way to workout. Give it a try and see the results for yourself with our Marcy Fitness Trampoline here.

man doing lunges

Before beginning any exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician, doctor or other professional. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems. assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained using our advice.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pain, or any other abnormal symptoms, stop the workout at once and consult a physician or doctor immediately.
